The spoken word has power. But not nearly as much as one would like to believe. Quite frankly, the verbal level of communication is lost ground, as the non-verbal approach makes up around 97% of direct communication between people. In other words, it is not so much about what we say, but how we conveyit.
In the fray of multi-faceted gestures and facial expressions, how we look at somebody plays a special role. It is, so to speak, the alpha and omega of expression by means of body language – independent of age, gender and culture. A brief glance is sufficient to gain insights into the frame of mind of the other person. Sympathies and antipathies are determined within the first moment. And here they are again – the magic three seconds – covering all major communicative actions – be it shaking hands, a hug or, on the other hand, a threatening gesture. Those who look a stranger in the eye will soon realize that the three-second rhythm has also been ingrained into humanity in this regard. After this amount of time has passed, we tend to either blink or look away.
Sleep makes you attractive
The idea that the eyes are the window to the soul is therefore not just a romantic idealization, but part of our conscious and subconscious reality. And the colloquial term “to make eyes at somebody” is definitely justified. What is deemed beautiful depends on different factors.
A study published in the “British Medical Journal” in 2010 took a closer look at so-called beauty sleep and proved a direct correlation between sleep duration and attractiveness in the course of the experiment. The result: In a sleep-deprived state, test subjects were perceived as less attractive, less healthy and significantly more tired.
The correct care – sparkling eyes
Eye care therefore plays an important role when it comes to improving one’s own outward appearance. Men and women can have sparkling eyes at any age. With the right care, wrinkles can be significantly refined. They do not, however, reduce the feeling of attractiveness as long as the complexion is even, the eyes are rested and the expression signalizes attentiveness. Wellness for the eyes therefore also means – if necessary – not shying away from suitable optical aids.
Nobody has to wear contact lenses if they have problems with them. Beautiful eyes can be accentuated much better with well-adjusted glasses than if they are red and irritated. Chamomile tea bags have a soothing effect on reddish eyes and a few slices of cucumber provide the sensitive skin around the eyes with the required moisture. Those of us lacking the necessary time should rely on trusted cosmetic helpers. The use of high-quality natural cosmetics already shows visible effects after only a few applications; with the advantage that the natural ingredients simultaneously develop a long-term effect and counter a wrinkled, tired appearance: The skin is smoother, stronger and is supplied with all the vitamins it needs.
Today’s search for health and beauty is often akin to an odyssey. Unconsidered habits, daily time pressure and an oversupply of products have significantly diverted man away from his actual path – a lifestyle close to nature. One that can actually deliver all the things promised by the food and cosmetics industry. Everywhere you read, you hear about a resilient organism all the way to smooth, wrinkle-free skin. This sounds enticing. However, the body can only be vital and beautiful if healthy nutrition and long-term care go hand in hand.
Those who turn their gaze inwards immediately know which foods on their own menu are agreeable. When it comes to cosmetics, this is a bit more difficult. Products based on softeners and other additives often feign a hair and skin state that does not actually exist. For example, some standard creams clog pores and cover the skin like a film. On the outside, this gives the impression of softness, but the reality of the situation becomes clear the next time you shower. The skin suffers beneath the supposedly treated surface. Instead of disposing of such products, a lot of people react in the opposite manner. Hoping for regeneration, they use even more – a vicious cycle that can have serious consequences. The skin can no longer breathe and waste products are no longer sufficiently secreted.
The true appearance increasingly deteriorates: The skin becomes drier and more wrinkled. And this is despite the fact that the road to healthy care has actually been paved for a long time: Body care products made from natural ingredients support the metabolism of the skin and thus not only contribute to natural beauty, but also to health on a long-term basis.
What can I put into my body?
Damaging substances enter our bodies both through the skin and by means of the food we ingest. Deposited in the connective tissue, chemical additives from foodstuffs and care products put a strain on the body. It is therefore important to know what one should eat and how to care for oneself. Natural agents help the body to reach an equilibrium. And what is good for the body also affects the psyche. Therefore, scrutiny pays off by ensuring that the body only gets the things it can actually benefit from. This rules out a lot of convenience products the food and beverages industry has to offer. The general rule is that fresh things are good things.
A simple question serves as an orientation aid in the supermarket: Which products would exist without the food industry? The remaining products are in most cases healthy or at least justifiable. Based on the example of potato chips, this means that industrially produced chips cannot be recommended. Because these chips are often just potato powder that has been pressed into slices, loaded with flavor enhancers and then fried in cheap oil, they are not part of a balanced diet. If, on the other hand, one dries fresh potato slices in the oven, sprinkles them with high-quality vegetable oil and uses natural flavourings, then chips can definitely support a healthy diet.
In cosmetics, the same principle applies. When they remain unaltered, natural ingredients can realize the full potential of their powerful effects. Old household remedies in particular have proven their worth over Feuchtigkeitsvergenerations – as cosmetics and as a remedy for physical ailments. However, those wishing to do their body some good do not necessarily have to scour the woods for herbs. High-quality natural cosmetics products have harnessed the positive effects of natural ingredients and now significantly stand out from mass products. They guarantee the use of high-quality ingredients and compliance with strict manufacturing criteria, such as the lack of softeners. In order to make an individually balanced choice, one must know what the skin requires for optimal care as well as which properties the various plants have. Biological wheat germ oil and top-quality aloe vera, for example, highlight the tremendous power contained in natural substances.
Ancient Arabic features no less than 33 metaphors to describe hair on the head – from “darkness” and “net” to “night,” and right up to “raven.” A groomed, full head of hair has always been seen as both aesthetic and erotic in men and women. The remaining body hair, on the other hand, has always been seen as an annoying nuisance, to be dealt with by whatever means and techniques necessary. A hairless body signalled diligent care, while those who let hair grow on their body were viewed as sloppy and soiled. Even works as early as the “Ars amatoria,” written by the Roman poet Ovid, supplied instructions on how to correctly care for the female body – shaving was a “must.”
Over the course of time, women have especially refined their rituals on how to remove unwanted body hair – on the legs, in the armpits, but also in the pubic area. In the hammams, for example, an abundance of hair removal creams and salves were used, including “Halawa” – a mixture of lemon juice, water and sugar, which similar to removing hair by means of waxing, was ripped off the skin and removed the hair with its root. This method, which was known as “sugaring” and was handed down over centuries, still causes tears to spring in the eyes of men and women today. Just imagine people wincing in the ancient bath houses from the same pain as today in modern hair removal studios. And this act of torture always had the same goal: to be beautiful and desirable. But such endeavors are not for every type of skin.
Soft and smooth
Wet shaving is still the most skin-friendly method for hair removal. It does entail having to make use of the razor more often in order to obtain that silky skin feeling, but on the other hand, correct handling with a “solid tool” and high-quality shaving care products allows you to deal with far less redness, inflammation and ingrown hair than alternative methods such as waxing or plucking.
However, there are a few things that need to be kept in mind to achieve optimal results: Hair should not be longer than about a third of an inch as it will not stand up otherwise and will be difficult to shave off. Especially sensitive areas such as the armpits or the pubic area require taught skin in order to be shaved completely and safely. Furthermore, the blade should only be guided against the growth direction of hair in areas where the skin is not sensitive. The regular final touch should be achieved by means of peeling. It removes shed flakes of skin and avoids ingrown hairs.
If you follow these hints and tips, you will be astounded at how soon the skin returns to youthful suppleness. At this point, it is best to let someone else stroke it and one thing is bound to happen: the “wow – how smooth!“ effect, and maybe even a little bit more…
The primary functions of the upper layer are the immune response as well as UV protection and protection against dehydration. The true skin, on the other hand, is responsible for the production of oil via the oil glands and thermoregulation. This is where the alarm system of the skin is located, nutrients are transported through blood vessels and waste products are secreted via sweat glands. The subcutaneous tissue also plays an important role in regulating temperature and transporting nutrients. Furthermore, pheromones are produced here, and the body’s own water is regulated by means of blood vessels and the lymphatic system. Last but not least, the subcutaneous tissue also has buffering and insulation functions.
The hydrolipid film
The surface of the skin is covered by a thin film, which consists of body oils from the oil glands, free lipids and sweat compounds: the so-called hydrolipid film. The fatty acids are partially broken down by lipases (fat-splitting enzymes); this results in a slight lowering of the pH-value to 5.5–6.5, i.e. to a slightly acidic state. This is where the term “acid mantle” comes from. This primarily has an antimicrobial protective function and supports the smoothness of the skin. When it comes to supplying moisture, the hydrolipid film does not play a starring role: This function is mostly taken over by the lipid layer.
Two factors are significant for the healthy appearance of our skin: On the one hand, an intact, smooth and flexible horny layer without visible dander and, on the other hand, the moisture level of the horny layer. Hydrophilics, i.e. water-attracting substances, capture water in the cells. The impulse for the skin to form these substances depends on their water level. They consist of amino acids, free carbonic acids, pyrrolidone carbonic acid, organic acids such as lactic acid, salts such as sodium, potassium and calcium, and urea.
Maintaining skin moisture levels
Natural cosmetics offer two effective strategies to keep moisture in the skin: The first aims at utilizing water- attracting substances, which bind moisture upon application and keep it in the horny layer. They are utilized by corresponding compounds in the aqueous phase; valuable phospholipids in vegetable oils feed them into the skin and support its hydration. The other approach makes use of the ability of vegetable oils to reconstruct the barrier layer of the skin and to reduce water evaporation of the skin, without completely clogging it. As a result, the flow of the body’s own water is inversed and skin moisture is maintained. Phytosterols and fatty acids such as oil, palmitic and palmitoleic acid regenerate the lipid layers necessary for an intact horny layer.
Last but not least, a third factor also has a hydrating effect: Emulsions, which we normally use cosmetically, contain bonded water and so-called bulk water depending on the emulsifier and the emulsion type. It is deposited in the hydrophilic areas of the lipid layer and can immediately saturate the horny layer in an effective manner. The bonded water of the emulsion, on the other hand, is distributed gradually, similar to a water reservoir. Furthermore, active agents of an emulsion are more easily absorbed by intact skin, as they are offered in a form which corresponds to the structure of the skin lipids.
Avocado oil and grape seed oil
In this regard, avocado and grape seed oil are able to work true miracles. Rich in lecithin, they are said to have a “gliding channel effect,” making them optimal pathways for active ingredients into the skin.
Wheat germ oil
The golden yellow wheat germ oil is also on the list of high-quality ingredients. It is among the most expensive vegetable oils and features a high degree of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. As a result, it is effective against premature aging of the skin and also serves as an excellent hair protection agent. The polyunsaturated fatty acids support the build-up of cells in the hair root and can stop hair loss. Wheat germ oil also plays an important role in nutrition. It helps to lower cholesterol levels and increases physical performance.
Aloe vera
This nondescript member of the lily family features a unique abundance of active agents not found anywhere else in nature. The exceptional biological makeup of aloe vera includes polysaccharides, vitamins, enzymes, mineral supplements and amino acids – everything a healthy human organism requires. As a result, the “empress of the medicinal plants” plays an important role in natural cosmetics and serves to revitalize the body as a whole. As aloe vera has a cooling effect and provides a lot of moisture, it is counted among the best remedies for damaged skin, especially sunburns. Do note, however, that the concentration and quality of the plant additives must be correct. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the gel of the freshly cut leaf works best.
It would be easy to continue listing fantastic natural remedies, which exist in abundance and whose areas of application fill entire encyclopedias. On the following pages, however, we will explicitly deal with two great stars in the field of natural cosmetics – olive oil and the pomegranate.

Copyright Michael Brus
Entering “Esbjerg” in the heart of Vienna for the first time, you are welcomed by mild fragrances, sparkling blades, classic pots, jars and a sea of brushes. The most beautiful store in the city is all about the body – its well-being, its beauty. The shaving specialty shop on Krugerstrasse – a side street of Kärntner Strasse – offers Austria’s largest selection of fine wet shaving products and has long since become the city’s premiere address for grooming. This is where men who are concerned about proper grooming and body care come for all their shaving needs. Tastefully and invitingly arranged, the products are a true delight as they reveal their magnificent effect in the privacy of a gentleman’s own bathroom.
Marga Walcher sells nothing but the best: “I love the stylish and the beautiful and spare no effort to be the top of my class and to stay that way too.” You can tell that the lady makes no concessions where quality is concerned. A diverse set of regular customers is her reward. They all have one basic need in common: Nothing but quality can touch their skin.
The further range of scents and care products for men is made up of proven and classic labels, all of which have been personally selected by Walcher. Furthermore, one can shop at Esbjerg with a clear conscience, as fairness at all production stages is of the utmost importance. Because it actively takes responsibility in the field of employee leadership, Esbjerg was ranked third in the “DiversCity” awards of the Vienna Economic Chamber in 2012.
Our own brand of natural cosmetics now complements the Esbjerg range
Before a brand is awarded space in these elegant surroundings, Ms. Walcher puts manufacturers through a close inspection, traveling around the world if need be. “The product must be on solid footing and have the right team behind it.” Success has proven her right. Over the past 30 years, the store has become a real insider’s tip. It gets off to an international start in the morning, as businessmen from all corners of the world make their appearance along with established Viennese regulars. “Some men have been our customers for years. We have heard about their personal lives and their ups and downs.”
To shop at Esbjerg is to reward yourself and spare no expense. Understandably so: So much goodness, such bliss for a weary man’s heart, plus all the expert advice to make your skin feel its best, and none of the tedious shelf-hopping, wasting valuable time before you can find the product that suits you. Back when Esbjerg opened its doors three decades ago, male customers were more liable to opt for the next best solution, pocket their purchase and just carry on. In other words, there was no pleasure in shopping for them.
Nowadays, they appreciate competent advice, they take great care to pick the right product and then stick with it. They have come to indulge in their very own haven of well-being, because this is what a decent wet shave using quality shaving cream and a shaving brush is all about, essentially. It’s an almost meditative ritual exclusive to men.