
Find yourself, naturally!

The power of nature. A philosophy that is reflected not only in our values, but also in our products.

Plastic free shaving requisites
Personen mit Spiegel in Natur Personen mit Spiegel in Natur

ESBjERG Sustainability Series

More sustainability in everyday life? For many people, sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a way of life. However, the daily integration is often associated with many restrictions and difficulties. Our sustainability series focuses on plastic-free, vegan products that meet the demands of best natural cosmetics. Shaving and body care can hence be turned into a soothing ritual at home. We would like to present three areas, where you could easily integrate more sustainability into everyday life!

Frau mit Rasierhobel
Zero Waste

Natural Shaving

When shaving, it is not only important to get rid of annoying stubble, but also to do it in an environmentally friendly way. That’s why we use plastic-free razors in our special ESBjERG sustainability series.

Plastic-free razors
Organic cosmetics

Sustainable & skin friendly shaving creams

Sustainable and plastic-free shaving does not stop with the razors, but includes the entire process of shaving. Whether for man or woman, the right shaving cream plays an essential role. That’s why we rely on vegan natural cosmetics for our ESBjERG sustainability series and pay special attention to environmentally friendly packaging.

Plastic-free shaving creams
Frau mit umweltschonender Kosmetik vor Spiegel
Sustainable natural cosmetics

Environmentally friendly soaps

Plastic-free soap also contributes a great deal to the reduction of the ecological footprint. The high-quality soaps of our sustainability series relax body and mind and leave a pleasant feeling. Find your favorite soap now and integrate more sustainability into your everyday life with vegan natural cosmetics!

Sustainable soap

More sustainability

Because at ESBjERG the sustainability aspect runs through all categories, we have many more environmentally friendly products in our assortment. Whether organic shower gel, vegan shampoo or plastic-free body oil – with the sustainability series you can easily integrate more sustainability into your daily life. Browse our online store now and find your favorite product!